下面是一个工具,它清楚地阐明了主要以贡献为动机的人与以牺牲为主要动机的人之间的思维、行为和态度差异——我们称之为主要缺陷动机。 我们使用这个工具来帮助我们提供反馈,选择有贡献动机的人,并推进我们的文化。
有贡献动机的人...... |
缺陷动机的人...... | ||
有自我意识 | 认识到他们擅长什么和不擅长什么(基于现实的观点)。喜欢有意义的工作。 具有正直和谦逊的个人价值观。 知道他们何时需要帮助并寻求帮助,尤其是在合规方面。 | 不要相信他们能做出贡献。 对自己的能力过于自信。 对反馈和批评非常敏感。 |
努力实现潜力 | 是终身学习者——好奇心强,寻求反馈,并在学习自己的才能和热衷方面表现出勇气。 将成功定义为对他人产生积极影响。 寻求与他们如何做出最大贡献相一致的责任。 | 是被动的(想被告知该做什么,不要自己思考)。 对现状感到满意;寻找不改变或改进的借口。 与他人相比衡量成功(金钱、地位、血统、头衔等)。 |
寻求互惠互利的结果 | 有意识地包容,尊重每个人,并与他人合作和合作。 积极分享知识和想法,提供和征求挑战,发展知识网络,建立信任关系。 以互惠互利的方式工作,为公司和关键成员创造最大的长期价值。 | 相信一切都是竞争,并有输赢或孤岛的心态。 玩弄系统,走捷径,不要分享信息。尝试以牺牲他人为代价来取得成功。 将失败和错误归咎于他人。(当它没有成功时,“这不是我的错。 |
创造性地贡献 | 在处理未知和具有挑战性的情况(问题、变化、新机遇)时表现出勇气。 有勇气、韧性和积极进取的态度。 始终努力寻找新的更好的做事方式。关注结果和结果。 | 走过场,职业道德薄弱,逃避责任和问责。 是保护主义者,抵制变革,并有一种“不是在这里发明的”心态。 快速抱怨,而不是寻找、推荐和实施解决方案。 |
Personal success and fulfillment – in any field or endeavor – come from helping others in ways that are mutually beneficial. Alexis de Tocqueville called this acting out of an “enlightened regard for [oneself],” which “constantly prompts [people] to assist one another.” This principle of being contribution motivated has been vital to Koch’s success.
From Abraham Maslow it has become generally accepted that most individuals must first satisfy their basic physical needs and then their communal needs, as well as achieve a sense of self-worth. Individuals for whom any of these needs are seriously unfulfilled tend to be driven by them, which he called being deficiency motivated. In this state, people often act in unhelpful or even counterproductive ways, such as being defensive, resisting feedback, hoarding knowledge, undermining colleagues and complaining without offering solutions.
Being contribution motivated enables people to discover, develop and utilize their abilities to succeed by helping others. They are energized by continuously trying to improve, innovate, transform and creatively get results – which enables them to live lives of meaning. The more people contribute, the better they feel about themselves and the more they tend to be rewarded, so the more they want to contribute.
As difficult as it is for individuals to contribute when deficiency motivated, it is almost impossible when negatively or destructively motivated. They can be driven by tribalism; narcissism; the will to power; jealousy; a lack of integrity, humility, or respect for others; or the desire for vengeance for real or imaginary injustices. Organizations with a culture of negative motivation typically have no purpose other than advancing their own power or profiting by any means.
This is why we prioritize a contribution-motivated culture – one based on Our Values. It involves hiring and retaining people who are first and foremost contribution motivated, and reinforcing that motivation through individualized roles and responsibilities, coaching, development and rewards.
- 招聘
- 日常工作
- 研究 动机和行为 资源,并反思你可以改进的地方。
- 向你的主管和队友寻求 反馈,了解你所做的事情,以展示贡献动机。
- 在接下来的几天里,寻找机会向你的同事反馈他们如何表现出贡献的动机。
- 被贡献激励的一些关键方面是什么?
- 缺乏动机的一些关键方面是什么?
- 为什么你认为贡献动机对个人和公司都很重要?
- 我们的每一项价值观如何 成为贡献的动力?
- 想想 你在工作中的关系。其他人会说这是一种互惠互利的关系吗?
- 我们没有人能 完全摆脱损害我们表现的消极态度。我们能做些什么来限制这种情况?我们怎样才能互相帮助?