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Supervisor Responsibilities and Expectations


If you have direct reports, then no matter what your title or role, you’re a supervisor. That means your primary responsibility is to help your employees develop and maximize their contributions by applying Principle Based Management.

You are to develop trusted relationships and know your employees well enough to help them self-actualize. This includes providing honest, direct and timely feedback, helping employees understand their strengths and weaknesses, and dealing with poor performance.

While we don’t expect perfection, continually improving your effectiveness is essential for your – and the company’s – success. 

If, after reviewing these responsibilities, you realize that supervising isn’t for you, that’s okay. Explore with your supervisor and others what roles may be a better fit. It is critically important that everyone, including you, be in the right role.



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What makes our approach different?


At Koch, supervisors contribute in a specific way: helping their employees develop and maximize their contribution. This responsibility is not an afterthought, it’s a supervisor’s primary responsibility!

This differs from many companies, where becoming a supervisor and expanding the size of your team is the primary method of career and pay advancement.

Simply put, our approach to supervising is to apply the five dimensions of Principle Based Management. 


Want to take a deeper dive?

We offer Koch company supervisors and aspiring supervisors a variety of virtual learning options.