






心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow将自我实现定义为实现自己的潜力——成为您能够成为的一切。这是一次非常个人化和独特的旅程,可以发现自己的才能,发展技能并以富有成效的方式使用它们。

自我实现在 美德、才能动机维度中得到强调。






Self-actualizing employees are essential to Koch’s success, where our Vision is to succeed by creating value for others and creating virtuous cycles of mutual benefit. Self-actualizing employees are motivated to contribute, create, face reality, take on new challenges, cooperate and help others succeed.

Abraham Maslow defined this as realizing one’s potential – what he described as “everything one is capable of becoming.” It is a deeply personal and unique journey of discovering your aptitudes, developing skills and using them in productive ways. Self-actualizing is not about reaching the peak of a mountain, but a series of peaks that you continue to climb as you develop, contribute and discover new possibilities. It is creating your own virtuous cycles on a personal level.

Self-actualizing goes beyond your basic physical and communal needs. It requires deliberately and persistently striving to improve, developing your aptitudes in ways that are beneficial to others. As Maslow put it: “Every person is, in part, his own project and makes himself. . . . We must constantly learn about our own strengths and limits and extend them by overcoming difficulties….If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of becoming you’ll be deeply unhappy. You will be evading your own capacities, your own potential.”

This journey is all about experimenting to discover the work in which you can make the greatest contribution and have a passion for, and be a lifelong learner so you can continually transform yourself.

Helping each employee along this path is the most important responsibility of supervisors at every level. They must respect employees as individuals, continually evaluate and adjust their roles and responsibilities so they can best contribute, provide meaningful work that fits their talents and passions, combined with ongoing coaching and feedback to promote learning, development and growth.

In sum, our goal is for you to be all that you can be. That is not only the secret to success, it’s the secret to a life of meaning.







科氏员工须知: 这取代了 Journey of a Lifetime 的 “发现”部分。它的所有其他方面都可以从本网站或 Koch 的内部网访问。

