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Nuestro Valor: Integridad

Ten el coraje de actuar siempre con Integridad.

¿Qué es la integridad?

Integridad significa comprometerse y vivir de acuerdo con un código moral beneficioso. Es un principio tan importante que es el primero de Nuestros Valores.

La integridad nos guía a hacer siempre lo correcto, ser honestos, honrar los compromisos y asumir la responsabilidad de los fracasos o errores. El coraje está incluido en Nuestro Valor de Integridad porque hacer lo correcto a veces es difícil o incómodo.

La integridad se destaca en la Dimensión de Virtudes y Talentos.

¿Por qué es importante?

La integridad es la base de la confianza y de las relaciones mutuamente beneficiosas. Una relación de confianza, y potencialmente la reputación de la empresa, puede ser destruida por un solo engaño, mentira o falta de seguimiento.  Imagínese cuánto mejor sería el mundo si todos actuaran con total integridad, con su palabra como vínculo y nunca hicieran nada que no quisieran que otros supieran. Habría mucha menos necesidad de todo el tiempo y el dinero gastados en controles, litigios y seguridad.


Resumen de los principios

Integrity is such an important principle it is the first of Our Values. Integrity means being committed to and living by a beneficial moral code. Imagine how much better the world would be if everyone acted with complete integrity, with their word as their bond and never doing anything they wouldn’t want others to know. There would be much less need for all the time and money spent on controls, litigation and security.

Acting with integrity requires courage because doing the right thing is sometimes difficult or uncomfortable—especially when it involves challenging your supervisor or others who can affect your future. We are always expected to do what is right rather than what is easy, even if it makes us subject to criticism or ridicule. When things aren’t going well or there is pressure to improve results, we must resist the temptation to cut corners. It is never acceptable to compromise safety, compliance standards or our principles for a short-term gain. What good are principles if we abandon them under pressure?

Integrity is the foundation for trust and mutually beneficial relationships with all our constituencies. Trust is earned by helping others succeed, keeping commitments, being honest, sharing credit for success, making tough decisions in a timely manner, admitting mistakes and proactively taking corrective action when you fall short. You build trust and a reputation for integrity over time by demonstrating that you are a good steward and will always strive to do what is right.

Integrity is important in everyday interactions and decisions. This requires providing timely and honest feedback that will help your co-workers—including proactively pointing out when someone is making a mistake or headed for failure and providing praise when it is genuine and earned. It also requires speaking up when you have been asked to do something you’re not good at. Integrity spurs a sense of obligation and willingness to take such actions even when difficult.


Entiéndelo mejor


Actuar con integridad requiere hacer lo correcto, incluso cuando es difícil o incómodo. Estos ejemplos muestran a personas que actúan con integridad en situaciones difíciles.


El poder de estos principios ocurre a través de la aplicación. No hay sustituto para aprender a medida que aplicas.