



科赫的成功取决于那些应用人类进步原则的授权员工。我们每个人都可以贡献自己的 能力和知识来促进一种文化,使科氏能够建立创造造福他人的产品和服务的能力。


对长期成功的关注也要求我们优先考虑未来而不是当前时期。这种长期关注是我们保持私有化并将 90% 的收益再投资的主要原因。





Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down

Short Description
A bottom-up approach respects the inherent worth of each person and unleashes creativity, initiative and talents…
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
Koch’s long-term success has come from a focus on building capabilities that enable us to create superior value…
Principle in Brief Page

Closing Gaps

Short Description
We seek to close the gap between what we are doing, however good, and what we could be doing if we were fully applying our principle-based framework.
Principle in Brief Page

Contribution Motivated

Short Description
Contribution motivated people are energized by continuously trying to improve, innovate, transform and creatively get results – which enables them to live lives of meaning.
Principle in Brief Page

Creative Destruction

Short Description
As entrepreneurs create new businesses, products, services, processes, methods or types of organizations, less-effective ones become obsolete…
Principle in Brief Page

Economic Measures

Short Description
It is essential for us to have measures that help us understand reality and properly focus our efforts. Economic measures are a subset of the measures we need to be successful. Learn more through “Measures.”
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
When individuals believe they have a gift that can be developed and are free to determine and control their own lives, they are empowered to contribute…
Principle in Brief Page

Experimentation and Experimental Discovery

Short Description
To drive creative destruction, we encourage numerous well-designed experiments to determine which new businesses, products, services, processes, methods or type of organization will be successful…
Principle in Brief Page

Headwinds and Tailwinds

Short Description
Applying the concept of headwinds and tailwinds helps us transform our ability to succeed in a variety of environments.
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
Coming soon
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
It is essential for us to have measures that help us understand reality and properly focus our efforts…
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
Possessing an option provides the ability or right, but not the obligation, to take an alternative course of action...
Principle in Brief Page

Overcoming Entropy and Bureaucracy

Short Description
At Koch, our approach to overcoming entropy is to create and deploy energy and knowledge through our principle-based framework…
Principle in Brief Page

Partner with those who share our vision and values

Short Description
Coming soon
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
The more people with different and advantaged capabilities join together the more successful they and their organizations will be…
Principle in Brief Page

Principled Entrepreneurship™

Short Description
We depend on the entrepreneurial contributions of our employees…
Principle in Brief Page

Satisfy Unmet Needs

Short Description
Identifying and satisfying unmet customer needs is essential to successful Principled Entrepreneurship™. Learn more through “Principled Entrepreneurship.”
Principle in Brief Page

Stewardship and Compliance

Short Description
The essence of stewardship is recognizing our obligation to always act in a manner that respects the rights of others…
Principle in Brief Page

Time Preference and Long-term Focus

Short Description
Principle in Brief Page

Virtuous Cycles of Mutual Benefit

Short Description
Virtuous cycles of mutual benefit are a never-ending, mutually beneficial process of opportunity generation.
Principle in Brief Page









  • 赋能所有员工实现自我
  • 比较优势的劳动分工
  • 管理
  • 互惠互利,成为首选合作伙伴